What Makes You Different?
We interview candidates all day, every day. Keeping interview questions fresh is so important to keeping us credible and having our candidates view us as a trusted, knowledgeable partner. Recently we were signed on with a fast moving technology firm to help them with a search. In bringing on this client, we asked qualifying questions to the client on what makes their firm different than so many others in their space. This is the same approach we would have with our candidates. What makes you different? The client replied with, we have great office space. This is basically the equivalent of a candidate replying, I’m a people person!
My point is that you need to ask questions and your audiences’ questions that you know will dive deep into their capabilities. What did THEY do to add value to their job? Everyone wants to work together and be a member of a collaborative Team but candidates (and companies) need to have some type of ego. During an interview, it’s the candidate’s turn to Grand Stand on they accomplishments. Take into consideration the Recruiter is looking for this candidate to be their product. We all want a passionate candidate who loves their field and can dive deep along with articulate clearly what they just rock. All the Interviewer’s questions should be geared on what’s makes THIS candidate different and a must have.
As much as a candidate needs to tighten their pitch, the Interviewer needs to leave their interview with solid top 6-8 key attributes on what makes this candidate different than ALL the others. The only way to do this is by drafting engaging, conversationally appropriate questions and developing a rapport of trust. To the Interviewer, have flair, be current and use content that is going to make a candidate truly want to work for your firm.