The Job Search is Not Closed Yet…
It is not over until the Fat Lady sings for sure. Recruiting for marketing talent in a crazy busy and unpredictable economy makes this statement hold so true. In the past couple of weeks, thank goodness, we have had a lot of success recruiting marketing talent nationally. And we have also had some curve balls thrown at us that have made us hold our breath until the Fat Lady starts and finishes her song.
We just placed a VP, Customer Success for a high growth performance analytics firm. We were hired on to complete West & East Coast Customer Success placements. This is a long-time client of course and we have done just tremendous work successfully for them in the past. We have placed VP, Client Strategy, Directors of Analytics and Strategy and several similar titles over the years. Thank goodness the client was confident enough in our capabilities to tap us again for these Customer Success searches.
We were able to identify several candidates and sourced directly from their key competitors. Our client is a leader in their space, which made the draw a little easier for a candidate to select this firm as their next career step.
Here’s where the Fat Lady comes to the stage. We had one of our more senior candidates interview several times in-person, video and present to the client. We checked references and even worked out a start date directly with the candidate. At the bottom of the ninth and bases loaded, the client re-reviewed their exact need and downgraded the search to more of a Manager of Customer Success level vs. a Director. This is a good thing. Why do you ask? Simple, because we want our candidates to stay with a company and grow for their careers. It would not have made sense for our candidate to make the move for something that was less then a lateral move even with the potential for long-term growth.
So we have the new VP Customer Success placed and on board. We have a happy client indeed. And a not-so-happy candidate but someone who understands that if it’s not the right match now…it will be soon …as this is a great client who will have additional add-to-staff searches at the right level for him soon.
Sing, fat lady, sing!