Coming back and preparing for a stronger market.
Due diligence. Whether you’re reimagining your org chart to come back stronger when the market turns around or looking to hire senior marketing staff, now’s the time to do the cost-benefit analysis of working with a recruiter.
Of course we have a bias, because we’ve heard a lot of emotional excuses for not working with a recruiter to find game-changing talent, but no rational reason (yet).
The facts of the case “for” are just too irrefutable. If you believe in 1) the strategic role of marketing, inside and out, 2) the exponential competitive advantage of landing the perfect fit for your plans and expectations, and 3) you need them NOW!!, every moment you’re not working with us increases the risk of everything being late, wrong or worse. And it all has ripple effects across your business. No matter how big you think your network is or how confident you are that you can lure top talent from their current gig, you don’t know who you don’t know. We do. And even if you do find that needle in a haystack, your eagerness and enthusiasm to close the deal could cost you more in the end.
At a minimum, do your due diligence, and compare — apples to apples — the value of our talent networks, decades of expertise, cost-effectiveness and negotiating skills versus the cost of beating the bushes yourself.
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