Spring Career Inventory
So you’re deep into the Spring season and see no chance for taking off for a Summer vacation? Chained to the desk? Feeling like your marketable skills are floating away?
According to Bloomberg, more jobs are posted in April than any other time of the year followed closely by October and July. What are YOU waiting for?
My advice: go for a ten-minute walk. Break away and disconnect yourself (yes, it’s possible). Think. Truly think. Think about you. What makes you happy? If you were going to walk into your offices would YOU hire YOU? Yes, keep up with The Joneses, but make sure The Joneses who you are tracking are setting your competitive bar high.
Remember that elated feeling when you first signed the offer and took your current job? Has it really lived up to ALL you expected? Can YOU do more that would give you a better balance in your life and make you more marketable? In most cases you are not going to find what you need sitting at your desk on proverbial “hamster wheel”, and unless your current company is on the cutting edge your skills are not progressing as fast as they should.
Sure I’m biased, but my Team & I are always searching for the most marketable candidates. Those are the candidates with tenure who have kept themselves up-to-date on current trends and technologies. They are the ones who know when to say when & to move on to the next chapter in their careers. The risk might not be as risky as you think.
The reason we love specifically recruiting for marketing roles is because the best candidates are on the move every 2-3 years. A move doesn’t always mean a new job at a new company, it could be internal promotions but they are moving and usually when they are moving they are learning. They’re learning new skills. They’re making themselves as marketable as possible in the fastest moving job market we’ve ever seen.
While you’re on that walk, ask yourself if the grass is greener on the other side of the street? Yes, it’s spring and everything is greener but will a move truly help your; career, home-life, financial situation, growth or your marketability? If you can answer “yes” to any of those questions then it’s time to talk! If you are honest with yourself, you may see that making a move now is the best way to not only advance your career but also to get that “spring” back in your step.
So now that your walk is complete and you’ve had the opportunity to take your Spring career inventory, what did you decide? If your interest is piqued or you have decided outright that you are ready to explore making a move, let us help you. We’ll work with you to get back that elated feeling, sign the offer, and of course put the deposit in on the vacation house in The Hamptons (or Hampton Beach), whichever is right for you! Make the move….and of course, call us first.